DWDM Mux Demux Technology
DWDM is applied to enhance the bandwidth ability of systems that use fiber systems in the CATV and telecommunication industries. The DWDM system allows the extra wavelength channels to go via the same fiber. Its ability allows more services to be offered, like the video-on-demand, storage area networking, as well as the Gigabit Ethernet.The DWDM system is made up of two major aspects, which enhances its performance. They include the Demux, demultiplexer and the Mux, optical multiplexer. The demultiplexer and optical multiplexer are used in a developed network elements, like the Optical Cross Connect Switches and the OADMs, Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers.
Currently, the DWDM Mux providers are making some advancement in these systems, for the good of the clients. As of now, the insertion loss has been enhanced, the thermal properties and the filter profiles, have also been improved.

The insertion losses are vital, since they affect the DWDM link power budget directly. This ensures that the fiber reach is influenced and that the optical amplifier need is also positively affected. When the fiber amplifier results are limited, it will mean that the design and operational design complexities are reduced as well. The filter devices on the MUX systems have been made flat, which implies that there might be a need of some extra elements in the optical path. These elements will contribute to more insertion loss in selected technologies.
A DWDM Mux will have a unique thermal property. Some systems are very temperature sensitive, which mean that, they will need heaters that will help to control the temperature.
• The technologies
There are four main technologies of Demux and Mux, which include TFF, Thin Film Filters, AWG, Arrayed Waveguide Gratings, FBG, Fiber Bragg Gratings and FSDG, Free-Space Diffraction Gratings. The first technologies to be used in a DWDM Multiplexer system are the TFF and the FBG, which were used due to a lower wavelength count. Both technologies will be responsible for the filtering of the wavelength in sequence, however, they have varying physical mechanisms. The TFF will work perfectly for the low channel counts, though they will be weaker when working for the higher channel counts. This is because their size as well as the insertion losses that have been accumulated.
The FBG will depend on grating that has been formed along the fiber core, which will reflect one wavelength, while transmitting other wavelengths in the fiber core. Every FBG will be designed with a unique grating period. An optical circulator will be used to demultiplex the reflected wavelength from that system. The size, cost of the piece parts and the insertion losses that have been accumulated will affect the performance of the FBG.
The AWGs and FSDG will use an approach that is parallel and more favorable to the high channel count systems. They might be different from the other two, but they also deliver vital functions to the DWDM system. The DWDM systems will require the Mux and Demux technologies, in order to function fully and without any defects.
For high bandwidth data transfer on your exist network, DWDM equipment is your best option.